How to create a Facebook App

A Facebook app is needed so that your site has the permission to retrieve the Facebook counts to display them next to your Facebook icon in the Ultimate Social Media Plugin.

Here are the steps to create a Facebook app:

  1. Go to
  2. Login with your standard Facebook account details
  3. If you don’t have a Facebook developer account yet (otherwise continue with step 4):
    • Click on “Get started” at the top right
    • Click on the blue “Next” button which appears in the pop-up
    • Give your app a name (e.g. “Test” – can be anything)
    • Click on “Next
    • (If you see a captcha, just click on the checkbox)
    • On the “Which of these best describe what you do?” screen, just pick an option which comes closest to what you do and click on “Next
    • Click on “Add your first product
  4. Click on “My Apps” at the top right and then in the drop-down on “Add a New App
  5. Give your app a name (e.g. “USM app”).
  6. Click on “Create App ID
  7. (If you see a captcha, just click on the checkbox, then click on “Submit“). You should now be on the dashboard.
  8. Click on “Settings->Basic” in the top left.
  9. Update Your Domain in the field App Domains
  10. Copy your App ID & App Secret & paste it on the plugin’s settings page where those are asked for

Above steps are sufficient if you want to show the counts for the page where the Facebook icon is located. If you want to show counts from a different page (e.g. your Facebook page), then your app needs to be approved by Facebook.

Here is how to request approval from Facebook: 

  1. When you’re on the dashboard (see above), click on “Settings->Basic” in the top left.
  2. Enter the Privacy Policy URL of your site (every site today should have a privacy policy. You can generate one quickly by using this plugin).
  3. Add an app icon under “App Icon (1024 x 1024)”. It should be squared, between 512 x 512 or up to 1024 x 1024 pixels. You can either use your own, or just use our icon (right click => “Save as”).
  4. Under “Business Use”, select the radio button for “Provide services to other businesses
  5. Under “Category”, choose the category which fits best, e.g. “Business & Pages”
  6. At the bottom of the page, click on “Add platform” and in the pop-up which appears choose “Website“, then enter your website url
  7. Click on “Save changes“Next is to submit your app for review.
  8. Click on “App review” on the left
  9. Select the switch to make your app public
  10. Click on “Start a submission
  11. In the pop-up which appears, scroll down in the left bar to Section “Features” where you can select the option “Page Public Content Access
  12. Click on “Add 1 Item
  13. Click on “Add details” on the right hand side of where it says “Page public content Access”
  14. Under title “Please explain how you are using Page Public Content Access to enhance the experience of your app.” please enter:

    We want to show like count of the Facebook page on our website.

  15. Under “What platforms does your app use Page Public Content Access on?” Click on “Web”. In the text box which appears, please enter:

    We enter facebook page id, facebook app id & facebook app secret in plugin settings of Ultimate Social Media PREMIUM plugin which fetches the like count of given facebook page to show on the front-end.

  16. Please download this video file (right click => save as) and under “Upload screencast” please click on “Choose a file to upload…” and then upload the video file you just downloaded.
  17. Click on “Save“Now it’s time to submit the request.
  18. Click on “Submit for review
  19. In the pop-up which appears, accept the terms and then click on “Submit“.

Now your app is submitted for review. Once approved, you will get notified. Until then, we suggest that you show the counts of the page where the Facebook icon is placed (i.e. not the counts from your Facebook page) because until the app is approved, it would show “0” then, which wouldn’t look good.

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