How do I renew my license?

We recently switched to selling the plugin on Sellcodes which has many benefits for you: you can manage your purchase there, get a proper invoice, download the files later when you need them etc. (which was all not possible in the old days when we sold the plugin directly from this website which is where – if you read this – you probably bought it originally).

This means: instead of renewing your old license, just buy a new one on Sellcodes. It’s easy: Go here and click on “Buy”. To benefit from your 20% renewal discount, please use the discount code SUPPORTEDREPEATEDPURCHASE which you can enter on the checkout screen on Sellcodes (i.e. here).

Once you got the new license, please follow the following steps to activate it (note: your old settings will not be lost with this process):

1. Log in to your WordPress admin area and under “Plugins” click on “USM Plugin License

2. Click on “Deactivate license

3. Select the “Sellcodes” radio button and enter your new license key

4. Click on “Activate license

That’s it! The plugin is now up and running.

Should you require any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

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