cURL Error messages “Error : 7”, “Error : 56”, “Error : 6” etc.

Those error messages point to a cURL-issue on your site. cURL is needed so that your site can communicate with other sites, which is important for the Email-feature to work (your site needs to communicate with to let it know you published a new post which needs to get sent out to your subscribers) and to get the number of counts for your icons (your site needs to communicate with Facebook, Twitter etc.).

If you don’t need those features, you can ignore the error message.

Fixing cURL issues

The best option is to fix your cURL issues for good.  Please check the following points (if you don’t know how to do this, please ask your server team or hosting company to do it):

1. Ensure that cURL is installed and activated on your site
2. Ensure that no proxy is blocking requests to other servers (e.g. because of a firewall)
3. Ensure that your server allows PUT/POST requests
4. Ensure your software is up to date

Workaround for Email-feature

If you cannot fix your cURL issues, you can make the Email feature work in another way:

1. Open
2. Enter your website url and click on “Go”
3. You will be directed to a page which explains you the advantages of using SpecificFeeds. At the bottom, there are instructions how to set up the subscription option on your site.

Still not fixed? We’re happy to look into it as part of our Premium Plugin. If we don’t manage to fix it, you’ll get a full refund.

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